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Fast Answers for Questions, are assertive answers without much explanations for common questions.


I forgot to set WITH RECOVERY option in my last transaction log restore. How can I recover the database now?

You can still restore your database. Just run the following statement: RESTORE DATABASE YourDBNameHere WITH RECOVERY.

I set WITH RECOVERY option in the wrong transaction log restore. How can I go back?

The only way you can go back is to start the restore of your database from the begining again.

It is possible to make a backup without interfering with my backup plan?

Yes it is possible. Use the COPY_ONLY parameter. It works only for full and log backups. Has no effect for differential backup.



BACKUP DATABASE database_name TO <backup_device> WITH COPY_ONLY

BACKUP LOG database_name TO <backup_device> WITH COPY_ONLY


What is a clustered index?

Is an index that is stored in the table structure so data rows will be physically ordered by column(s) of the clustered index.

How many clustered indexes can I have per table?

Because data rows are physically ordered by the column(s) of the clustered index it is only possible to have one clustered index by table.

What is a nonclustered index?

Nonclustered indexes have a structure separate from the data rows. A nonclustered index contains the nonclustered index key values and each key value entry has a pointer to the data row that contains the key value.

How many nonclustered indexes can I have per table?

Because nonclustered indexes have a structure separate from the data rows you can have multiple nonclustered indexes per table or view (249 for SQL Server 2005 or lower and 999 for SQL Server 2008 or higher).

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